Reassessing and Resetting Priorities

As we climb the career ladder, there comes a point where we might find ourselves questioning if there's more to life than simply reaching the top. Each person's definition of "more" may vary, encompassing things like freedom, flexibility, quality time with family, and embarking on new adventures. In my case, it means pursuing a new path in consulting and entrepreneurship after resigning from my role in local government. This transition offers a unique chance to reassess my schedule, routine, and stress management strategies, enabling me to focus on what truly matters to me. As I enter this next phase of my life and career, here are the top 6 things that I have prioritized in my new routine.   

  1. Reconnecting with Family and Friends: 

    Recognizing the toll my schedule and career has taken on my relationships I made a deliberate choice to pursue a role that offers flexibility and remote work options. Now, I have the freedom to allocate extended periods to be with my family without compromising my professional commitments or stressing over limited vacation time. To kickstart the process of reconnection, I have planned dedicated time off before starting my new job, cherishing moments with loved ones. While it may not be feasible to see everyone immediately, this serves as a meaningful and heartfelt starting point. 

  2. Developing a New Morning Routine: 
    After much contemplation, I have decided to bid farewell to my 4:33 a.m. wake-up time, which I've adhered to for the past six years. Embracing change, I am now leaning towards a more natural wake-up time of 6 a.m. This will allow me an hour before starting my workday at 7:30 a.m. During this hour, I plan to incorporate activities such as reading, meditation, meal preparation, and indulging in some leisurely puttering around. 

  3. Prioritizing Health: 

    Over the years, I made sacrifices in terms of maintaining a consistent workout schedule and healthy eating habits. To rectify this, I am fully committed to adopting a plant-based diet at home and engaging in regular exercise, including four workouts and one yoga class per week . Additionally, I aim to prioritize home-cooked meals to promote healthier eating habits and reconnect with the joy of cooking. 

  4. Building a Network: 

    Networking took a backseat during my time in local government, but I now recognize its value. Our networks provide crucial support during challenging times and open doors to new opportunities. To strengthen my network, I am actively scheduling short meet-and-greet sessions with contacts from my LinkedIn network. The response has been overwhelmingly positive, with people enthusiastic about exploring mutual ways to assist one another. 

  5. Embracing Growth and Learning: 

    I am thrilled to embark on a learning journey with renowned public administrators at GovHR USA and GovTemps USA. This consulting opportunity allows me to delve into a field I've always aspired to be a part of. Simultaneously, I will be nurturing my own business, SRSD Consulting, LLC, with the goal of normalizing coaching within local government. Becoming an entrepreneur and delving into the business side of consulting promises both personal and professional growth. 


Career changes are not the only opportunities to hit the "reset" button and reassess our priorities. We can use various triggers, such as the change of seasons, the start of a new year, a birthday, or even a holiday, to pause, reflect, and realign our values with how we spend our time. 

Taking these moments for introspection allows us to evaluate whether our current routines, commitments, and activities truly align with our core values and bring us genuine happiness. It's all too easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, forgetting to check if our actions are in alignment with what truly matters to us. 

So, seize those moments of transition and embrace them as opportunities to pause, reflect, and recalibrate. Let them serve as reminders to align our values with our actions, ensuring that we are living a life that truly brings us joy, purpose, and contentment. 

 I help local governments improve employee performance through personalized coaching, addressing the challenge of limited time and resources for routine employee development. 


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