Blog Posts

Sarah Schillerstrom Sarah Schillerstrom

How Distractions are Undermining Connection

Communication, listening, and teamwork challenges are becoming increasingly prevalent in today’s workplace. We are constantly bombarded with digital distractions and conditioned to move faster than we are capable of mentally and emotionally.

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Sarah Schillerstrom Sarah Schillerstrom

You don’t feel appreciated? But we had a pizza party….

Employee appreciation is a cornerstone of a thriving workplace culture. Just go on LinkedIn to see the endless feel-good posts about positive work culture, employee appreciation, and engagement. However, based on my experience, many employees feel a disconnect between what their leaders say and their actions. When an organization receives survey data that their employees are not feeling appreciated, management often decides they need to create “more connection," "recognition events" or "connect employees to their WHY."

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Sarah Schillerstrom Sarah Schillerstrom

I don’t have time…said every local government professional…ever

Balancing local government responsibilities can often feel like navigating a whirlwind of urgent and important tasks. It's crucial for professionals to prioritize effectively to make a positive impact. The Eisenhower Matrix, a powerful time management tool, can help local government officials assess their tasks and responsibilities, ensuring that employee development doesn't fall by the wayside.

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Sarah Schillerstrom Sarah Schillerstrom

Change and Grief in the Workplace

Within the last eight months, two of my best friends and I have undergone significant career changes. One friend switched organizations after nearly 15 years, the other resigned as a City Administrator, and I transitioned into professional coaching and consulting. While there are common themes behind our decisions, our reasons for doing so are deeply personal.

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Sarah Schillerstrom Sarah Schillerstrom

Reassessing and Resetting Priorities

As we climb the career ladder, there comes a point where we might find ourselves questioning if there's more to life than simply reaching the top. Each person's definition of "more" may vary, encompassing factors like freedom, flexibility, quality time with family, and embarking on new adventures. In my case, it means pursuing a new path in consulting and entrepreneurship after resigning from my role in local government. This transition offers a unique chance to reassess my schedule, routine, and stress management strategies, enabling me to focus on what truly matters to me. As I enter this next phase of my life and career, here are the top 6 things that I have prioritized.

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Sarah Schillerstrom Sarah Schillerstrom

6 Tips to Build Confidence

Confidence is an essential ingredient for success and happiness in life. It enables us to face challenges, take risks, and seize opportunities that may otherwise remain elusive.

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Sarah Schillerstrom Sarah Schillerstrom

Reject the “Sunday Night Blues”

While scrolling through LinkedIn recently, I came across a post from a retiring police officer who said, "After 25 years, I can finally enjoy life." This statement stirred a strong reaction within me. It's unfortunate that the officer couldn't enjoy life while serving as a police officer.

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Sarah Schillerstrom Sarah Schillerstrom

7 Tips to Manage Workload

Managing an overwhelming workload can be challenging, but with the right strategies and tools, it can become manageable. Generally speaking, in the public sector, it is often the case that there is no one to delegate tasks to, everyone is already at or beyond their capacity, or someone with the necessary skills is not available to help.

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Coaching Sarah Schillerstrom Coaching Sarah Schillerstrom

The Power of Coaching

Coaching provides clients with a safe and respectful space to express their thoughts, feelings, and actions without fear of judgment. In this environment, clients can reflect on their values and goals and determine specific steps to achieve them. Each session allows the client to identify specific and attainable actions that will lead them to their objectives. Additionally, coaching provides accountability based on the terms established by the client.

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Sarah Schillerstrom Sarah Schillerstrom

Introducing SRSD

I am thrilled to share that I have been able to combine my passion for professional coaching with my 17 years of experience in local government, and have founded SRSD, which is focused on helping other local government professionals thrive.

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